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In the film, which won’t arrive in theaters until September, a Marine just home from Iraq (played by ugg boots jacksonville fl newspaper classifieds online Englishman Tom Hardy) and his estranged brother, a fighter turned teacher (Australian Joel Edgerton), train for a mixed martial arts tournament.The military’s involvement ran deeper, though, than just throwing open the doors to the Bulldog Box Office at Camp Pendleton. The “Warrior” script was vetted by a Marine Corps liaison to the entertainment industry, and more than 200 real Marines appear in uniform in a crowd scene.Photos: Hollywood and the militaryThe Department of Defense regularly cooperates with Hollywood on projects large and small, from Lifetime’s fictional Army base set series “Army Wives” ugg boots pink 38 special and CBS’ naval police procedural “NCIS” to Paramount Pictures’ warring robots franchise “Transformers” and Sony’s Columbia Pictures film “Battle: Los Angeles,” about Marines fighting an alien invasion. The military has allowed Universal Pictures to film its upcoming action movie “Battleship” on the battleship Missouri and permitted Navy SEALs to appear in Relativity Media’s February thriller “Act of Valor.”Over the decades, the relationship between Hollywood and the military has served the needs of both sides: Filmmakers gain access to equipment, locations, personnel and information that lend their productions authenticity, while the armed forces get some measure of control over how they’re depicted ugg boots on sale in uk leeds wearing on snow.

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